Friday, April 6, 2012

5th Boro Sports Hall Of Fame Inductees 2012


Thomas Heedles
Position: QB/WR
Career: 2009-Present ( Goonies, Wolves, *****)

Bio: Unavailable at this time

John Scamardella
Position: SF/SG
Number: 26, 8
Career: 2009-Present
Teams: Wake Up S.F, BYF, Legends

John Scamardella has made a huge splash in the 5thboro basketball league.  Scamardella finds himself as the all-time two-point and three-point field goals leader in the 3v3 and 4v4 league play.  He holds the most MVP’s to date with three and has lead his team to a 3v3 championship while appearing in another league championship.  John is a great teammate that can shoot the lights out of the ball and has a passion for the game of basketball and 5th boro sports.

Rich Collyer
Position: CF
Number: 44
Career- 2008-Present
Teams: Rugged, Masterbatters

Rich Collyer has been a staple of the 5th boro league since its inception.  Collyer has won multiple accolades in the league including a shared championship, multiple all-star game appearances, and a gold glove for every year that he has played.  The former college pitcher ( Rockland County and Ramapo College ) remains one of the most feared hitters in the league.  One of the best 5th Boro softball moments took place when Collyer had a beat on a ball and instead of using his glove he caught the ball with his bare hand.  Winning a championship with one of his teams remains a goal of Collyer’s and enjoying his time playing in the league.  Little bit of advice if you run on Collyer in the outfield more then likely you will get gunned out at the plate.

Anthony Gross
Position: P
Career- 2008-Present
Teams: Ghosts of Babe Ruth, Goonies

Anthony Gross is the all time league leader in games won, and strikeouts.  Gross remains to this day one of the most feared aces on the mound in the league.  His devastating fastball has sent more batters down looking then any other pitcher in league history.  Batters are left shaking their heads trying to catch up to the heat that this pitcher delivers each and every time on the mound.  Gross lead the Goonies to the second ever 5th Boro Championship in one of the most memorable games to date.  Gross continued to dominate batters he faced throughout that game pitching into the late hours of the night.  Gross has won the CY Young several times along with multiple gold gloves.  Gross will continue pitching for many years he says and another title is something on the adjenda.

Lifetime Achievement Awards
The 2012 Lifetime 5th Boro Achievement awards are awarded to Virgil Quijano & Justin Sarachik.  Not only have both players enjoyed success as players and managers throughout their careers in 5th Boro some may say without those two 5th Boro wouldn’t be where it is at today.  When commissioner Chris “CiG” Ostrow sent out those now famous Facebook invites to anyone interested in a free softball league.  Two of the six original softball team captains took a leap of faith in an upstart league and took the field to square off against each other on a cloudy summer day in 2008.  The Meat won the game that day but little did anyone know what that first game would eventually take the league to.  The two captains deserve recognition for sticking with the league and being coach of the years, MVPs, gold glove award winners and overall great guys.  Congratulations to the class of 2012!

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